Frequently Asked Questions
ILS is an Innovative Learning System that aims to strengthen social innovation and entrepreneurial spirit of secondary schools’ students over 16 years old.
More information about ILS can be found in prepared guides, especially the Teacher´s Handbook.
To use the InnoSchool system, it is necessary to make a registration, which can be done directly on this site or with the help of a national coordinator, who could help you with this. The required steps are described in section How to join.
No, the usage of ILS is free of charge.
The ILS component that can be used in the classroom is serious game. ILS proposes two learning paths – Basic – five modules for students who have no or not sufficient preliminary knowledge about entrepreneurship and social innovation and Advanced – six modules for advanced learners. Each module proposes mix of offline-online classroom activity (15 min offline, 30 min online serious game), offline classroom activity (45 min) and online serious game activity not in classroom (45 min). The serious game is played in teams or individually. You can monitor the progress of each team and its members.
The ILS is designed for teachers and their students. Registration is only required for teachers, however, the registration of teachers is done by national support centres, once the secondary school requested to take part in ILS. No self-registration of teachers is possible. A registered teacher then creates team/student accounts (register students). To make the first step, please follow the following instruction: How to join
Teachers get access to the ILS teacher’s interface, which allows administration, monitoring, communication with students and evaluation. The interface for teachers in all languages is available at:
Students get access to the ILS student’s interface, where they can play the ILS serious game in teams, learn, prepare tasks, communicate in their teams and their teacher and get evaluated. The interface for students in all languages is available at:
ILS is web-based application and do not require desktop installation. It can be used from any device with internet access with enabled sounds. To use the InnoSchool application, following web-browsers are supported: Google Chrome versions 40-96, Firefox versions 32-95, Microsoft Edge up to version 96, or Internet Explorer 11. Even newer versions of these browsers or any other browsers might allow to play the game without errors or in best quality perceived, however, the compatibility is not guaranteed.
Student will gain following:
– Building social entrepreneurial mindset and competences
– Sensitization towards social challenges
– Capacity to address social problems
– Opportunity to generate own idea and further develop it as a social business
– Building strong team working ability
– Experience with a new digital learning environment
At the beginning of the game, each team choses one out of 6 social themes to explore:
• Caring for an ageing population,
• Shift of society towards environmental responsibility,
• Inclusion of excluded groups,
• Child welfare and social need,
• Workforce migration/Brain drain,
• Disadvantages/ challenges in peripheral and rural areas.
The chosen social theme is a background for the educative story. Animated story attracts attention of the player towards social challenges and providing knowledge
By creating account, user accepts the conditions of using this platform. All the user data (name, class, address) and intellectual data (open tasks) will be used solely for the purpose of game playing and will be not provided to third parties. More information can be found in our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
The game is not suitable for people under 16 years of age respecting the General Data Protection Regulation. More information can be found in our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.