How to join

How to start with InnoSchool?

Before starting the process, please note following:

  • Who is the game for? The game is intended for high schools and is designed primarily for students over 16 years of age respecting the General Data Protection Regulation, typically after 2nd grade at secondary schools.

  • What will it cost our school? Use of the InnoSchool system is completely FREE for schools if the conditions below are met.

  • How do I get access? To use the InnoSchool system, it is necessary to make a registration, which can be done directly on this site (by using registration form) or with the help of a national support centre, who could help you with this.

Steps to join our community:

1. Check whether you meet the technical and operational requirements

  • To use the game, you need to have computers with access to Internet, and you must have at least one computer for each team (with typically 2-3 members).

  • Suitable spaces are needed for the implementation, which will enable work in teams as well as individual work on a PC. It is also possible to use different spaces for different activities.

  • For implementation, it is necessary to involve at least one teacher who will guide students throughout the implementation of the program. However, it is possible to involve more teachers, more subjects and use the system across the educational process. It is necessary to select one coordinator for each school, who will have the right to add other colleagues who will be able to use the system. The number of teachers for one school is unlimited.

  • It is necessary to have an internet connection for the implementation of online teaching, as the game also includes online videos and students will produce pictures and/or other documents.

  • To use the system, it is important to use supported version of web browsers – Google Chrome versions 40-96, Firefox versions 32-95, Microsoft Edge up to version 96, or Internet Explorer 11. Even newer versions of these browsers or any other browsers might allow to play the game without errors or in best quality perceived, however, the compatibility is not guaranteed.

2. Register for using the ILS

  • To register, please fill in the REGISTRATION FORM and fill in the geographical areas you belong to. Note: This step is important to get in contact with your national support centre

  • After that, national support centre for your country will contact you with further details about next steps.

3. For more information contact your support centre